Friday, November 4, 2011

How Nursing Resumes Differ From Regular Business Resumes

1How Nursing Resumes Differ From Regular Business Resumes Most resumes are usually scanned through by the employer, rather than read. Employers don't have time to read every resume on their desk. So you should make your resume stand out by including bulleted items and words or phrases that get the attention of the hiring manager.Even though there is a shortage of nurses in the world, a resume is still very important to land that job. A properly formatted, keyword-optimized resume is the most important tool in your arsenal..If you are an experienced nurse and you are applying for a position in management, you will be judged by a different set of standards than someone who is applying for a staff position. The same goes for the business world. The nurse has a different set of employment standards than someone in the business world.The nurse has to show that they will be committed to the job since there are lives at stake. The hiring manager pays close attention to loyalty and commitment. This is true in the business world, but to a much higher extent in the nursing world.A nurse's resume will include licenses, certifications and specializations that a regular business resume may not.Employers will hire a student nurse just coming out of grad school if the person exhibits a willingness to learn, has strong objectives and goals and is open to taking this as a career path instead of just a job.In the business world, applicants are more apt to see the job as only a pay check and not a career, but nursing itself is a career. The resumes of both would be different.In a nursing resume, the applicant has to show that their objective is to pursue nursing as a career. In a regular business resume, the applicant only has to show their interest in the job along with how qualified they are and what other attributes they will bring to the table. It does not necessarily have to be a career path as long as they can do the job.A nursing resume is built around a specific design. The nursing resume has to lead into the applicants qualifications. If you have little nursing experience, a list of your nursing assignments is acceptable. Include a short narrative on what your professional goals are. Interweave your goals, objectives and skills into what the job entails. Focus more on professional aspirations rather than on idealism.The regular business resume begins with the applicant's objectives and goal. It follows with a summary of qualifications, work experience, skills and education. Idealism is interwoven into a business resume and is quite acceptable. The business resume tries to keep optimistic into what the future of the applicant will be once they are hired.The nursing resume is more practical and the employer looks for specific keywords in the resume to determine if the applicant is qualified for the position especially a specific position such as urgent care nurse or pediatric nurse.A project analyst, for example, will have a business resume that spans the scope of different positions in the company that the applicant can fill. However, a nurse's resume is more specific to a certain position.If you are still not sure how a nurse's resume is different from a regular business resume, you can find a professional that does at NursingResumePros.

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