Thursday, January 19, 2012

Nursing Cover Letters - How to Write an Excellent Nursing Cover Letter

1Nursing Cover Letters - How to Write an Excellent Nursing Cover Letter Learn how to write the best nursing cover letter possible. A career in nursing can be extremely rewarding: excellent pay, a chance to give back to the community, the prestige of the job. But how you land that dream nursing job? You have finished your education, finished your practicum, now what?Now is the time to get that job! A good nursing cover letter is key to landing that well paying and rewarding nursing job. Many people slave over their resumes for hours and hours, only to slap a cover letter together. Don't be one of them! A good cover letter is almost as important as your resume.Your nursing cover letter is your ticket to get your foot in the door. Basically, your cover letter sells you to the hiring person. Why should they take a look at your resume? Why should they phone you back? Because of your cover letter!A good nursing cover letter can accomplish a lot:Highlights your achievements - Did you graduate at the top of your class? Put it in there! Now is not the time to be modest. Celebrate your achievements and share them.Shows your command of the language - Demonstrate your ability to communicate concisely. Nursing jobs - all jobs nowadays - are all about communication. Show how well you can communicate complex ideas quickly and easily.Shows why they should hire you - Remember - its not about what they can do for you. Its what you can do for them. What kind of asset are you for them? Why should they hire you. Tell them!These are just a few tips for writing a good nursing cover letter. There are plenty more - all designed to put you at the top of the pile!

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